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第4单元Last Weekend单词表

第4单元Last Weekend
1boring单调的;乏味的 /'bɔ:rɪŋ/
2cleaned the window (过去式)擦窗子
3climbed a hill (过去式)爬山
4danced(dance过去式)跳舞 /dɑ:nst/
5jumped rope (过去式)跳绳
6listened to music (过去式)听音乐
7played chess (过去式)下棋
8played computer games (过去式)玩电子游戏
9played the piano (过去式)弹钢琴
10rowed a boat (过去式)划船
11stayed at home (过去式)呆在家里
12visited grandparents (过去式)看望祖父母
13washed clothes (过去式)洗衣服
14watched TV (过去式)看电视
15badminton羽毛球运动 /'bædmɪntən/
16won(win过去式)赢;获胜 /wʌn/


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