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封面/前言/目录 ...... 1

Unit 1 Asia ...... 5

  Chinese things and places ...... 6

  Two cities in China ...... 7

  Using of it ...... 11

Unit 2 Great people ...... 19

  Famous people ...... 20

  The first man to walk on the Moon ...... 21

Project 1 Cultures around the world ...... 33

Unit 3 Robots ...... 35

  How could robots help us? ...... 36

  Living with a robot ...... 37

Unit 4 Life on Mars ...... 49

  Life in space ...... 50

  Life on another planet ...... 51

Project 2 A booklet about life in the future ...... 63

Irregular verbs ...... 65

Notes ...... 67

Grammar check ...... 73

  代词it的用法 ...... 73

  常见时态之一般现在时和现在进行时 ...... 74

  常见时态之一般过去时和过去进行时 ...... 75

  常见时态之一般过去时和现在完成时 ...... 76

  简单句和复合句之间的转换 ...... 77

单词表 ...... 79
